New Source Development – Public Water System Expansion

The Benner Township Water Authority (BTWA) has been discussing the development of a new well to supplement and replace the Grove Park well. This well has an elevated nitrate level that is nearing the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s maximum contaminant level of 10 parts per million (ppm). Consuming nitrates may affect the human body causing what is known as methemoglobinemia, a blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to transport oxygen in our blood.

The BTWA has completed many tests for nitrates in private wells within Benner Township including the areas of Upper Seibert Road, Willowbend Development, Raymonds Lane, Lower Gyp Road and Buffalo Run Road, near the vicinity of the Benner Elementary School.  All private wells tested contained various levels of nitrates. As a result of the testing of these private wells and hydrogeological work, we have located a major fault in the bedrock that has a relatively low level of nitrates.

We are currently planning the development of a municipal well along Raymonds Lane or Upper Seibert Road to serve our current customers. The well would be located near this fault in the bedrock to avoid higher nitrate levels and infrastructure would need to be constructed to connect to our existing water system at the Grove Park development. The location of the infrastructure may depend upon whether or not any of the homes in this area are interested in connecting to the public water system.

If you live in the Upper Seibert Road, Raymonds Lane or Willowbend Development areas and have any interest in connecting to our public water system please call our office at 814-355-4778 to discuss this further.

If you are interested in having the nitrate level of your well tested, we can also assist you with having this testing completed. A typical test consists of determining the nitrate and nitrite levels in the sample. The current cost for this testing is $80.00 at Fairway Laboratories in Altoona. Fairway Laboratories completes most of the analytical testing for the public water systems in the surrounding area.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss any details of our planning, please contact our office at 814-355-4778.